Swappis – Ruhaforgó
Swappis – Ruhaforgó second hand is a place where unwanted clothes come alive and live their life fully again!
Choose life and dress in a sustainable way out of preloved clothes.
Be part of the conscious fashion movement because we have to shift to a sustainable society. It’s time to act and live a zero-waste life! Come, check the store and get your new pieces for 50% of discounts with the ELB Card!
Follow Swappis on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swappis_ruhaforgo/
And check the website: https://swappis.hu/
Discount: 50% Discount
Address: 1136. Budapest, Raoul Wallenberg u. 1. ( From Monday to Friday 10-18 Saturday 10-14 )

We will make your exchange in Budapest the best time of your life!
Create your Erasmus Card